28 Nov (Thu): "Trees Around Us" Drama Series for kids

"Trees Around Us" Drama Series: Trees around us are of great importance to nature and to our environment. They contribute countless benefits to our daily lives by shading us from the hot sun, shielding us from rain, providing us with clean air. Trees are also homes to many living creatures. Through play and dramatization in this drama series, children get to take on various participating roles in the story, to learn about the beauty of trees. Through each story, children learn to emulate and incorporate good, moral value in their lives.

Jack and The Beanstalk (A Drama Workshop)
Based on the popular fairytale about Jack and the magic beans, children will embark on an adventure with Jack and the amazing beanstalk that grew its way into the giant’s castle! Through participating in dramatization and play, children will find out about the wonders of plants and see their importance in our daily lives.

Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels

Time: 10-11am
Cost: $10/child
Venue: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, Bukit Timah Core of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Contac: 64719961 / 6465 0196
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/