27 Nov (Wed): Nite Critter Walk at Singapore Botanic Gardens (Tanglin Gate)

We will observe Short-nosed Fruit Bats at their daytime roost before they wake up and fly off at dusk. Then use our bat detector to locate insect-eating bats. As night falls, we go to investigate the nearby ponds for other nocturnal critters such as the Four-lined Treefrog with its bubble nest, and the tiny Painted Chorus Frog with its silvery tadpoles. We will then wander on the forest boardwalk to look for scorpions and other multi-legged critters of the night.

Please note: This easy walk is mostly on level, paved pathway with a few steps at certain parts. Have an early dinner before coming. Bring torchlight with batteries, poncho/raincoat/umbrella, refillable water bottle, herbal mosquito repellent. Please wear long pants, tee-shirt, socks and covered shoes. Long-sleeved shirt is recommended.

Pre-registration required, email Celine Low at contact@cicadatree.org.sg giving participants' names, ages and a mobile number.

Time: 6.15 - 8.30pm, meet at 6.15pm at the service counter of the visitor centre at old Tanglin Gate entrance at Cluny Road facing Gleneagles Hospital (NOT the Nassim Gate Visitor Centre at Nassim Road).
Cost: $13 per pax (adult or kid). Free for kids age 5 yrs and below accompanying adult participants.
Website: http://cicadatree.blogspot.sg/2013/11/nov-2013-school-hols-walks.html