22 Aug (Fri): Endangered Animal Parade at NIE Campus

The Endangered Animal Parade, inspired by the Singapore Wildlife Stampede, aims to educate youths on the endangered animal species found in Singapore and other parts of the world. Through this event, we hope to heighten the awareness of the dangers which our environment is facing and hence promote a sense of stewardship towards nature in our youths.

Held alongside with the NIE Director’s Fun Run 2008, this event is similar to Chingay Parade held annually during the Chinese New Year season, participating groups will make a parade around the NIE campus dressed in costumes of endangered animals. Thus we urge schools, environment clubs, animal welfare clubs and YOU to join us and showcase your creativity in this parade.

More details on the NIE Green Club blog

Time: 3.30p-6pm
Venue: Around the NIE Campus
Website: http://niegreenclub.blogspot.com/
Contact: niegreenclub@gmail.com